TSAworld, Inc.'s Advanced Exchange Program has been designed as a service to our customers.
Terms of the program are as follows:
A complete and re-manufacturable core must be returned to TSA within 30 days of the date of invoice to avoid a core charge. TSAworld, Inc. recommends that customers utilize a carrier that provides a tracking number (such as FedEx or UPS) when returning cores. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that cores are delivered to TSAworld, Inc. within the appropriate time frame.
Customer's returning cores after 30 days from date of invoice will be assessed a "Core Charge". Cores received after 30 days but before 90 days will receive an 80% credit on the Core Charge. Cores received after 90 days but before 180 days will receive a 50% credit on the Core Charge. No credit will be given for cores received after 180 days of original shipment of the Exchange Item.
No credit will be provided for cores returned with damaged parts. Please package parts carefully for reshipment.
TSAworld, Inc. provides a "Exchange Return Form" and return address label with each shipment. To ensure proper credit to your account, please enclose the appropriate documentation when returning cores.
No credit will be provided for cores returned with damaged parts. Please package parts carefully prior to shipment to TSAworld, Inc.